Something that’s become really clear to us as we’ve opened up these conversations about practicing vulnerability in the DHC way, is that there’s no vulnerability without taking responsibility for what we want and how we’re showing up.
We often think about vulnerability as the nail-biting space we’re in before we pour our hearts out to someone we love, or when we reveal something about ourselves, knowing we’re risking rejection, but what Bria and I have been discovering again and again since the launch of Dead Hearts Club, is that vulnerability is a deeply responsible process and practice.
When we get vulnerable, we do so first with ourselves. We begin to ask questions about our inner resources — and what inner resources another person might have available to them. What happens when we want to create connection or understanding, but the person we’re trying to connect with is coming from a different place, with conflicting needs, desires, and capacity? How do we not make each other wrong for who we are and what we’re capable of?
This topic is vast and deep, and we explore questions about boundaries and love within the practice of personal responsibility.
+ GLOW and how we are basically that
+ This Instagram post and the gift of asking before dumping
+ The new DHC slogan we’re thinking about putting on a mug
+ The Holistic Psychologist
+ A real-time DHC moment that created a very different kind of ending
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