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Dead Hearts Club EP 13: The Gentle Art of Revealing Our Hearts.

Surpriiiiise! This is our last episode of Season 1, and we’re rounding it out with a conversation about real-time, embodied emotional presence, and how we intentionally honor Self and Other — without self-sacrificing — when the lines that run between our hearts and the ones we love get blurry. We’re talking about the vulnerability that rushes to the forefront when strong emotion is present, and how we create a healthy adult egoic experience in relating with others. Can we notice our patterns of opening and closing, revealing and self-protecting, even when the moment — or the ones around us — seem to be asking for something different…?

At its core, this episode is about the bedrock Dead Hearts Club was founded on: challenging ourselves to stay so heart open that you kinda feel like you’re gonna die — and doing it in a way that holds impeccable individual (and group) boundaries, taking a shit ton of personal responsibility, and allowing ourselves to be held in our unscripted, wildly unpredictable humanity and hearts. Bria is sharing a recent experience on a trip with a group of friends where she found herself asking, “What would the DHC way of doing this be?”

What I really loved about this conversation was the way we were able to slow the pace and access the body-wisdom that it so unbelievably central to our personal practice of DHC, and how this embodied way of consistently revealing our hearts is the vulnerability-in-action guiding our whole process here on this podcast.

And then we wrap up the episode (and the season) with some bone-deep, love-drenched (classic Morgan and Bria) reflection on what’s changed for us since Dead Hearts Club began.


To our lady-listeners of Dead Hearts Club (and all those who identify as female), we wanna hang out with you. I (Morgan) am offering a class called Feminine Body Drop next week, on Wednesday, February 24th that is all about connecting to the very thing we’re always talking about here on the podcast: our hearts, our bodies, intuition, and trust. Join me in exploring feminine sensual movement as an intuitive pleasure practice, and get a chance to connect with other women (because damn, you guys, we really need connection right now). You can find out more and access the link to register (and join my Women’s Embodiment and Healing group) HERE. Tickets are just $15. I’d LOVE so much to see you there.

Listen and subscibe to Dead Hearts Club on Apple podcastsSpotify and Stitcher, and be sure to leave us a review! We love knowing DHC is reaching your hearts. You can also DM us on Instagram @deadhearts.club, or send us a good ol’ fashioned email (deadheartsclubpodcast@gmail.com) or click CONTACT.

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healingHelloS O M A T I C / T H E R A P Yguided mushroom journey boulder co