healingHelloS O M A T I C / T H E R A P Yguided mushroom journey boulder co

Songs From the Wild Heart. (#1)

Please, do not let a day pass.
Not one day without loving.
There are too many and they come so quickly.
Do not let a day pass where you could have shown a kindness, and did not, out of fear, or embarrassment.
Those acts are the Light of your soul, and they shine from the beacon of your heart;
your own lighthouse heart.

Father in the sky, I kneel before you, bare knees and feet, wrinkled palms.
I’m here, answering you with the song in my heart,
the reverberating harmony of skin against stars,
and you are singing, chanting, calling.
I close my eyes and wait for the rhythm to find me:

deep drumming in the blood that animates me,
and You, the finger on that pulse that Knows.
That feels everything.
Every.  Thing:
some gift from the great beyond,
dark ocean
of my Self.


Journaling, April 2013.


Relationship Coach Portland OR{Image by Larry Landolfi}

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healingHelloS O M A T I C / T H E R A P Yguided mushroom journey boulder co