One of the best things about rollin’ around in this DHC landscape is the fact that Bria and I have a really joyful, playful relationship. So we started thinking about the role PLAY has in the practice of vulnerability. Because, as we discuss in this episode, play isn’t easy for everyone. It’s not at all uncommon to feel confronted by how difficult it can be to access these more radiant aspects of self-belonging and self-expression. Self-consciousness and fear of being judged or shut down is a real thing — and plenty of us have had the experience of it not being safe to be our own version of playful, goofy and curious.
In this episode, we’re talking about what bridges we’ve built from self-consciousness into a more open kind of self-expression, how it’s a constantly-evolving process, and how play shows up in our individual lives. This is a thoughtful exploration of how levity and joy might actually be our innate, foundational state of being — and how our inner Wounded Child can help us access our inner Wonder Child — that part of us that is authentic, creative, trusting and spontaneous.
Resources + Mentions:
+ The hilarious game Bria and I played one night that had us in stitches
+ The new Disney movie, Soul, and how personalities / dispositions are assigned
+ Bria and her #100daysofplay experiment
+ A call to our listeners to tell us your stories of play and how you relate with it
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