As we plan which topics to bring you each week, we do a little something we call Heart Storm: we get together, we hash it out, talk for a long-ass time, and out of that, a theme emerges. And this week, we realized how often we reference “DHC” as a way of living — but if you’re just tuning in, you might be wondering what that means. We wanted to give you a real-time look into how DHC has become a verb, and what it looks like as we do the vulnerability dance as humans without a plan. This week, Bria and I sit down and just hit record — no theme, no topic, just two girls, two mics and (as you’ll discover), one very prominent camel toe.
We realized that as we plot out these conversations around the theme of vulnerability, we could literally take you ANYWHERE. And in this episode, we do. While recording, one of us sends the other a steamy screen shot of a text exchange that spurred a conversation about need, we deep-dive the difference between need and want, and how to honor our deepest desires both alone and in partnership. We talk de-shaming female sexual desire (without the implication of monogamous relationship), and in this episode more than any other, we wanted to let you in on what it’s like when we sit down as friends, and no agenda — because life isn’t a theme party. And we’re here for all of it.
Roll-call for this no-theme episode:
+ A comprehensive list of the books we’re currently reading right now, including Bria’s: Gene Keys; The Radiance Sutras; Trump In A Post-Truth World. And Morgan’s current reads: American Spy; The Silent Patient; Emotional Sobriety; Love and Awakening; The Promise of Energy Psychology
+ Jockey thighs and Mail Order Bride catalogues
+ Honesty and integrity in relating, going theme-less for this episode, and staying present for whatever arises
+ Morgan’s recent trip to Phoenix and the questions that arose around what DHC means and what it takes for people to change
+ Morgan’s new Many Moons day planner and intentions around the recent New Moon
+ The Why Beneath the Why and Bria’s experience coaching clients through to Core Desired Feelings
+ The difference between a want and a need, deep-diving our personal experience and relationship with them, and John Wineland‘s statement that “needs are enlightened desires”
+ Bria takes us through an exploration of what had her feeling “spirited” at the start of the episode, we nickname her most recent romantic interest, and explore sexual relationship as facilitating healing
+ A call-back to Episode 2 as we explore the ways we co-create the fulfillment of needs with one another
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