Is it possible to be in a co-dependent relationship with healing? How about a self-destructive relationship with “transformation”? If you sometimes find yourself poking around inside yourself, in search of the next thing to “fix,” this episode is for you.
This week, we’re talking about the sneaky ways spiritual self-help can convince us that there is a finish line — and the endless pursuit of something other than what (and where) we are. We’re talking about Presence, being with what arises as the ultimate teacher and guide, and the importance of time to integrate after a cycle of healing. Bria shares her ongoing healing with Lyme disease and burnout recovery, and a surprising nuance that showed up for her in her own work with her coach recently.
We’re talking about being with emotion vs intellectually processing our feelings, honoring and working with the 3 stages of transition referenced in The Wisdom of Anxiety, and how self-judgement inevitably manifests anxiety. We’re getting honest about healing elitism and judgement of people who aren’t “doing the work,” and what it might mean about our own projections and judgements… of ourselves.
In this episode, we are deep in the curiosity about the difference between willingness and capacity, and which has the power to blow our hearts wide open.
Mentioned this week:
+ Stranger Than Fiction with Will Ferrell, and trying to figure out who (or what) is driving the plot of our lives
+ The Wisdom of Anxiety book
+ Charles Eistenstein’s article, “The Space Between Stories”
+ Callback to Episode 1 and how the man nicknamed Dragonfly recalibrated Bria’s experience of what a “consciousness man” feels like, as well as Episode 7 called This Is Healing
+ The movie Just Friends and The Hero’s Journey