As I sat down to think about how to introduce this episode on intuition, I drew a little bit of a blank. I think it’s because, as vulnerable as it is to look for what intuition feels like for ourselves, and learning to trust ourselves enough to follow its directives, there’s no way to talk about intuition in prescriptive terms.
What is intuition anyway? A feeling? A sense? A knowing? All of it and none of it? Why is it even of any significance at all? As we meander through the kaleidoscope of life, we’re dancing with fleeting nudges or guidance that intends to illuminate our path. Whether or not we listen is the name of the game. In this week’s episode, Bria and I share a few intimate stories of how our intuition has led us into both the unforeseeable magic AND the “I had a feeling I shouldn’t have” messes that we’ve all face-palmed ourselves to after the fact. We talk about the “feather, brick, bus” affect and how we get to explore what choice looks like when it comes to sensing and being guided.
Intuition is, for many of us, an ephemeral thing. It speaks to us in a language only we understand, and its gifts are the hidden jewels of our lives — guiding us toward or away from experiences and people that can alter the entire trajectory of our journey.
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